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Ueno Lab.


Division of Infection and Immunity,

Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection,

Kumamoto University

感染予防部門 感染免疫学分野

Paper Published(Cells)


当研究室に在籍する博士課程4年Dechuan Kong (孔徳川:国立感染症研究所にて修業)が論文をCells に発表しました!

Takuya Tada (co-first author), Yanzhao Zhang (co-first author), Dechuan Kong (co-first author), Michiko Tanaka, Weitong Yao, Masanori Kameoka, Takamasa Ueno, Hideaki Fujita, Kenzo Tokunaga

Further Characterization of the Antiviral Transmembrane Protein MARCH8

Dechuan's comment

I am really delighted to have achieved some successes so far. Indeed, I have learned a lot of new experimental techniques and knowledge from Dr. Kenzo Tokunaga at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Tokyo. Besides, I am very grateful to my supervisors, Drs. Tokunaga and Ueno, as well as to my collaborators and research group members.

    While Dr. Tokunaga’s team had obtained and published a series of important results with the host antiviral protein MARCH8 in the past, the team still have had many tasks to do, which were worth further exploring to disclose the mechanistic aspects of this host protein. Therefore, I have been so fortunate to be involved in this project. I hope someday we will be able to utilize MARCH8 to prevent and control HIV infection.

    Moving forward, I will continue to work harder and strive to achieve even greater success.



ヒトレトロ第三回進学OPEN LAB.開催のお知らせ

今年も「熊本大学 ヒトレトロウイルス学共同研究センター  第三回進学OPEN LAB.」を開催します! 開催日:令和6年12/7(土) 13:00- 参加対象:進学に興味のある大学生・大学院生・高校生      参加事前登録制 先着30名様 開催地: 熊本大学...


Ueno Lab.


Ueno Laboratory

Division of Infection and Immunity,

Joint Research CenterforHuman Retrovirus Infection, Kumamoto University

2-2-1 Honjo, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, 860-0811 Japan

Tel  096-373-6824


860-0811  熊本市中央区本荘2-2-1  


電話番号  096-373-6824

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